The Newsletter Plugin

💰 only $1.50 USD
(1,50 € approx.)
The price also includes the download of 25,000 more Plugins and Themes and helps the Planet 😀🐬🌳

Newsletter Webhooks (BETA) 1.0.8

Download “Newsletter Webhooks (BETA) GPL allows you. A webhook is an HTTP/HTTPS call that your WordPress blog makes to an external system when something happens. The Newsletter plugin can signal to external systems these events.

Newsletter Elementor 1.0.9

Download "Newsletter Elementor" GPL allows you to integrate the powerful form widget of Elementor with Newsletter. Create subscription forms with Elementor map the form fields to subscriber fields and collect subscribers with forms placed in your Elementor composed pages.

Newsletter Mailgun 4.2.1

Download "Newsletter Mailgun" GPL allows you to integrate with Mailgun email delivery service a reliable and affordable service. The integration includes bounce detection and daily list cleaning marking unreachable emails as “bounced” saving resources and money.

Newsletter Gravity Forms 1.1.2

Download "Newsletter Gravity Forms" GPL allows you link Newsletter subscription process with any of your Gravity forms. It support opt-in lists and field mapping. Add a "checkboxes" field for public lists.