Cartzilla – Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store WordPress Theme 1.0.33

Sofia Conde

Download "Cartzilla - Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store WordPress Theme" GPL allows you to create an online store to sell your products. It is easy to use and loads quickly. With many design options and features to customize your store. Go ahead and try this theme without paying.
Cartzilla - Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store WordPress Theme
Last Version
100% Functional
(General Public License)
DOWNLOAD options:
1. From
Author's Website
(More expensive. With support and development).
2. From
Festinger Vault
(Intermediate price. GPL without support).
3. From
Festinger Club
(This Website. Cheaper price):
💰 only $1.50 USD
(1,50 € approx.)*
The price also includes the download of 25,000 more Plugins and Themes and helps the Planet 😀🐬🌳
Cartzilla – Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store WordPress Theme 1.0.33

Original description of Cartzilla – Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store WordPress Theme 1.0.33

Cartzilla is the ultimate WordPress theme for your Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store. Along with the Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store demo it includes Fashion Store Electronics Store and Help Center demos. Our theme integrates seamlessly with Dokan to provide multi-vendor features. Our pages are designed to provide smooth and engaging user experience.Cartzilla's home pages are built using WordPress's native Gutenberg Blocks and does not use bulky page builders. We've included 30+ Gutenberg Blocks to customize our home pages. Our AJAX based Product blocks load only when the user scrolls into view. These factors makes our theme load very fast under 1s making it one of the fastest Digital Marketplace theme.Theme Features 6 Demos: Digital Marketplace Grocery & Supermarket Store 2 Clothing Stores Electronics Store Store Help Center Single / Multi-vendor Store 30+ Customizable Gutenberg Blocks Improved User Account Pages Beautiful Vendor Dashboard Pages Shop catalog Grid / List layout options + Shop Categories 3 Single Product variations Secondary pages: About Contacts 404 etc. Blog pages with different layouts 10 Header (Navbar) variations Built with latest Bootstrap - 100% Responsive Toolbar with Cart Menu Filters etc. buttons designed specifically for handheld devices to improve user experience on the go. Speed up customization with Gutenberg Blocks Mobile Friendly Interface + Touch-enabled Sliders Mega-menu functionality Retina ready Font Icons Free licensed Google font used Detailed Online Docs W3C Valid HTML Code SEO Friendly Markup ... and much more

My opinion of Festinger Vault

I believe that Festinger Vault is one of the largest repositories for downloading Plugins, Themes and addons for Elementor Pro. They also have a plugin that allows you to install them directly from your "Dashboard". So when we want to try a plugin, or unfortunately can´t afford to pay the developer´s asking price, we buy it from Festinger Vault. If you need an update you can ask for it in their forum, or if you have any problem with the activation they also help you.

As we are affiliates, if you visit their website through one of our links, a part of your money is given to us. If you still have doubts about Festinger Vault, you can read the reviews published on Trustpilot or you can also read a full review of Festinger Vault opinions.

If you can not afford the Festinger Vault price either, you can join the Festinger Club, where we share the costs of their licenses and help the planet.

Download Cartzilla – Digital Marketplace & Grocery Store WordPress Theme 1.0.33

These are the three download options we recommend:

Option 1. From the Autor´s Website

  • More expensive.
  • But they give you technical support.
  • And with your money you support their development and updates.

Option 2. From the Festinger Vault Website:

  • GPL without support.
  • Intermediate price.
  • With your money you help them to continue collecting GPL Plugins and Themes.
  • Festinger Vault give us a part of the money (we are affiliated).

Option 3. From Festinger Club (this website):

  • Cheaper, but with the same quality.
  • We share costs and you support environmental projects.
  • See Festinger Club Pricing.
💰 $1.50 USD
(1,50 € approx.)*
* The price also includes the download of 25,000 more Plugins and Themes.

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