Loginizer Security Pro 1.8.4

Sofia Conde

Download "Loginizer Security Pro" GPL allows you to fight against bruteforce attacks block IPs blacklist/whitelist and use features like Two Factor Auth reCAPTCHA PasswordLess Login. Gain professional support and advanced features with pro version.
Loginizer Security Pro
Last Version
100% Functional
(General Public License)
DOWNLOAD options:
1. From
Author's Website
(More expensive. With support and development).
2. From
Festinger Vault
(Intermediate price. GPL without support).
3. From
Festinger Club
(This Website. Cheaper price):
💰 only $1.50 USD
(1,50 € approx.)*
The price also includes the download of 25,000 more Plugins and Themes and helps the Planet 😀🐬🌳
Loginizer Security Pro 1.8.4

Original description of Loginizer Security Pro 1.8.4

Loginizer is a WordPress plugin which helps you fight against bruteforce attack by blocking login for the IP after it reaches maximum retries allowed. You can blacklist or whitelist IPs for login using Loginizer. You can use various other features like Two Factor Auth reCAPTCHA PasswordLess Login etc. to improve security of your website. Loginizer is actively used by more than 1000000+ WordPress websites. You can find our official documentation at https://loginizer.com/docs. We are also active in our community support forums on wordpress.org if you are one of our free users. Our Premium Support Ticket System is at https://loginizer.deskuss.com Free Features : Brute force protection. IPs trying to brute force your website will be blocked for 15 minutes after 3 failed login attempts. After multiple lockouts the IP is blocked for 24 hours. This is the default configuration and can be changed from Loginizer -> Brute force page in WordPress admin panel. Failed login attempts logs. Blacklist IPs Whitelist IPs Custom error messages on failed login. Permission check for important files and folders. GET SUPPORT AND PRO FEATURES Get professional support from our experts and pro features to take your site’s security to the next level with Loginizer-Security. Pro Features : MD5 Checksum – of Core WordPress Files. The admin can check and ignore files as well. PasswordLess Login – At the time of Login the username / email address will be asked and an email will be sent to the email address of that account with a temporary link to login. Two Factor Auth via Email – On login an email will be sent to the email address of that account with a temporary 6 digit code to complete the login. Two Factor Auth via App – The user can configure the account with a 2FA App like Google Authenticator Authy etc. Login Challenge Question – The user can setup a Challenge Question and Answer as an additional security layer. After Login the user will need to answer the question to complete the login. reCAPTCHA – Google’s reCAPTCHA v3/v2 can be configured for the Login screen Comments Section Registration Form etc. to prevent automated brute force attacks. Supports WooCommerce as well. Rename Login Page – The Admin can rename the login URL (slug) to something different from wp-login.php to prevent automated brute force attacks. Rename WP-Admin URL – The Admin area in WordPress is accessed via wp-admin. With loginizer you can change it to anything e.g. site-admin Rename Login with Secrecy – If set then all Login URL’s will still point to wp-login.php and users will have to access the New Login Slug by typing it in the browser. Disable XML-RPC – An option to simply disable XML-RPC in WordPress. Most of the WordPress users don’t need XML-RPC and can disable it to prevent automated brute force attacks. Rename XML-RPC – The Admin can rename the XML-RPC to something different from xmlrpc.php to prevent automated brute force attacks. Username Auto Blacklist – Attackers generally use common usernames like admin administrator or variations of your domain name / business name. You can specify such username here and Loginizer will auto-blacklist the IP Address(s) of clients who try to use such username(s). New Registration Domain Blacklist – If you would like to ban new registrations from a particular domain you can use this utility to do so. Change the Admin Username – The Admin can rename the admin username to something more difficult. Auto Blacklist IPs – IPs will be auto blacklisted if certain usernames saved by the Admin are used to login by malicious bots / users. Disable Pingbacks – Simple way to disable PingBacks. Features in Loginizer include: Blocks IP after maximum retries allowed Extended Lockout after maximum lockouts allowed Email notification to admin after max lockouts Blacklist IP/IP range Whitelist IP/IP range Check logs of failed attempts Create IP ranges Delete IP ranges Licensed under LGPLv2.1 Safe & Secure

My opinion of Festinger Vault

I believe that Festinger Vault is one of the largest repositories for downloading Plugins, Themes and addons for Elementor Pro. They also have a plugin that allows you to install them directly from your "Dashboard". So when we want to try a plugin, or unfortunately can´t afford to pay the developer´s asking price, we buy it from Festinger Vault. If you need an update you can ask for it in their forum, or if you have any problem with the activation they also help you.

As we are affiliates, if you visit their website through one of our links, a part of your money is given to us. If you still have doubts about Festinger Vault, you can read the reviews published on Trustpilot or you can also read a full review of Festinger Vault opinions.

If you can not afford the Festinger Vault price either, you can join the Festinger Club, where we share the costs of their licenses and help the planet.

Download Loginizer Security Pro 1.8.4

These are the three download options we recommend:

Option 1. From the Autor´s Website

  • More expensive.
  • But they give you technical support.
  • And with your money you support their development and updates.

Option 2. From the Festinger Vault Website:

  • GPL without support.
  • Intermediate price.
  • With your money you help them to continue collecting GPL Plugins and Themes.
  • Festinger Vault give us a part of the money (we are affiliated).

Option 3. From Festinger Club (this website):

  • Cheaper, but with the same quality.
  • We share costs and you support environmental projects.
  • See Festinger Club Pricing.
💰 $1.50 USD
(1,50 € approx.)*
* The price also includes the download of 25,000 more Plugins and Themes.

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