Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables 1.3.7

Sofía Conde

Descargar "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" GPL le permite ver los detalles de cada fila con un solo clic. No hay necesidad de ocultar columnas o editar la tabla para que siempre se ve bien.
Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables
Última versión
100% Funcional
(Licencia Pública General)
DESCARGAR opciones:
1. From
Author's Website
(More expensive. With support and development).
2. From
Festinger Vault
(Intermediate price. GPL without support).
3. De
Club Festinger
(Este sitio web. Precio más barato):
💰 solo $1,50 USD
(1,50 € aprox.)*
el precio tambien incluye la descarga de 25.000 complementos y temas más y ayuda al Planeta 😀🐬🌳
Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables 1.3.7

descripción original de Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables 1.3.7

Master-Detail Tables is an add-on for wpDataTables that allows you and your site visitors to see details for each row with a simple click. Many users today have tables with lots of columns and once they place that table on their website it looks ugly so they often need to hide some columns or entirely edit the table so it can fit the page. But what if you actually need all those columns and data and you cannot hide anything because you want your users to see all the data? Well don't worry from now on you can have as many columns in the table as you need and you can hide them without worrying that the users of the table will lack some information. Master-Detail Tables add-on allows you to show those hidden columns with just one click and the table will always look nice.

Revisión de Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables 1.3.7

What's this "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" thing all about?

Do you miss seeing all the row details in your WordPress tables? Now there's a cool addon that lets you see all the details of each row with just one click It's called "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables"!

You know those tables with so many columns that end up looking a bit ugly on your page Sometimes it turns out that you have to hide some or even edit the whole table to make it fit properly But of course what if you really need all those columns and data and you can't hide anything because you want your users to see all the data

Worry no more From now on you can have as many columns in the table as you need and you can hide them without fear that the users of the table will be left without information "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" allows you to show those hidden columns with just one click and your table will always look good Check more about this on the official page

Super curious things about this addon

  • It allows you to hide columns without fear of losing information
  • Hidden rows can be shown with just one click
  • Helps your tables look organized and beautiful no matter their size

Some usage examples.

Imagine you have a product table with columns for name price size price color and more Of course you want to show all that information to your users but the table looks a bit cluttered What do you do? Easy: you install "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" and problem solved!

Or think of a student table with information about their grades attendance behavior and so on Again you are faced with the dilemma of how to display all that information without overwhelming your page visitors But with "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" you can hide details without taking away their access to the information

Comments to consider.

Seriously, the feedback from users of "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" is very positive. For now I don't have the exact figures but I tell you that people are very happy.

Multiplied potential together with other plugins

You already know a lot about how "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" can make your tables cooler But imagine how much better it can be when you combine it with other WordPress plugins You could use it with "Advanced Custom Fields" to organize your custom fields or combine it with "Gravity Forms" to manage your forms more efficiently

Options similar to "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables".

Interested in "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" but not 100% sure it's what you need? There are other similar options available. For example "Data Tables Generator by Supsystic" also seems to be very complete and efficient Also "TablePress" may also be an option to consider as it is quite popular among WordPress users But in my opinion, "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" is pretty top.

Mi opinión sobre Festinger Vault

Creo que Festinger Vault es uno de los mayores repositorios para descargar Plugins, Temas y addons para Elementor Pro. También tienen un plugin que te permite instalarlos directamente desde tu "Dashboard". Así que cuando queremos probar un plugin, o por desgracia no podemos permitirnos pagar el precio que pide el desarrollador, lo compramos en Festinger Vault. Si necesitas una actualización puedes pedirla en su foro, o si tienes algún problema con la activación también te ayudan.

Como somos afiliados, si visitas su web a través de uno de nuestros enlaces, una parte de tu dinero es para nosotros. Si aún tienes dudas sobre Festinger Vault, puedes leer las reseñas publicadas en Trustpilot o también puedes leer una reseña completa de Festinger Vault opiniones..

Si tampoco puedes permitirte el precio de Festinger Vault, puedes unirte al Club Festinger, donde compartimos los costes de sus licencias y ayudamos al planeta.

Otras consideraciones sobre Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables 1.3.7

Why it's cool to have the GPL license of "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables".

Is this "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" plugin conversation sounding Greek to you? No worries! I tell you. With the GPL license you get a super cool technical support from the author. In addition, at the same time you help to keep this plugin available to everyone . But yes, you must have enough money to buy it . Nevertheless, having this license is the coolest .

Oops! problems with "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables"?

Having problems with "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables"? Don't panic! I'm sure there is a solution for you. I can't tell you which one because I'm not an expert . But you can always look for help online, I'm sure someone has already encountered the same thing and found how to fix it .

Who is the genius behind "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables"?

The creator of "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" is a real crack who has a super cool website. But I'm not going to tell you who he is, instead I'll leave you this link to see for yourself .

More plugins or themes you need to know about?

☝️ Yes, yes. The author of the "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" plugin has many more WordPress products. But you already know Google, right? Search and you will find .

"WordPress" what is that?

WordPress ️ is a website creation platform. It has sooooo many stories to tell you. And, if you're not convinced, you have plenty of other alternatives to explore. But come on, WordPress rocks a lot .

Beware of pirated plugins or themes!

This plugin or Theme is not pirated or NULLED . Using NULLED versions is dangerous. While it may be tempting to download a pirated version, be aware that they carry risks and are not safe. Instead, better support the authors by buying their work ✌️.

How do I get "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" without going broke?

If you subscribe to Festinger Club , you can download "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" version 1.3.7 for free. The best thing about this club is that it helps our planet as it invests its profits in environmental projects. How cool isn't it?

Chao "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables".

Wow wasn't that a cool conversation We learned about "Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables" and how it can help you manage your data better. Also, we talked about how to get it securely and supporting the WordPress community. Not forgetting the importance of avoiding pirated versions and always try to be on the right side See you, Internet!

Descargar Master-Detail Tables for wpDataTables 1.3.7

Estas son las tres opciones de descarga que recomendamos:

Opción 1. Desde el sitio web del autor

  • Más caro.
  • Pero te dan soporte técnico.
  • Y con tu dinero apoyas su desarrollo y actualizaciones.

Opción 2. Desde el sitio web de Festinger Vault:

  • GPL sin soporte.
  • Precio intermedio.
  • Con tu dinero les ayudas a seguir recopilando plugins y temas GPL.
  • Festinger Vault danos una parte del dinero (estamos afiliados).

Opción 3. Del Club Festinger (este sitio web):

  • Más barato, pero con la misma calidad.
  • Compartimos costes y tú apoyas proyectos medioambientales.
  • Consulte Precios del Club Festinger..
💰 $1,50 USD
(1,50 € aprox.)*
* El precio también incluye la descarga de 25.000 plugins y temas más.

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