Download “iThemes Tailored Login” GPL allows you to create a custom version of your WordPress login page. Easily customize colors fonts background images and add widgets. Subscription includes support and updates.
Download ‘iThemes DisplayBuddy Rotating Text’ GPL allows you to create groups of text entries with customizable fade transitions. Display Rotating Text groups in widget areas or add to post and page content with shortcodes.
Download "iThemes DisplayBuddy Featured Posts" GPL allows you. Featured Posts displays featured images and excerpts from posts pages widget content specific post categories or custom post types. Customize Featured Posts slides by applying layouts sizing featured images assigning excerpt word counts and adding timing specifications for slide transitions. Featured Images can be added to widget areas or to posts or pages via shortcodes.
Download "iThemes DisplayBuddy Copious Comments" GPL allows you. Copious Comments displays a list of your top-commented posts in a customizable graph. Customize Copious Comments by specifying the post type post title length in characters and apply styling to graph details from the Copious Comment Style Manager. Insert Copious Comments into widget areas or into posts and pages with shortcodes.
Descargar "iThemes DisplayBuddy Carousel" GPL te permite mostrar tus posts más comentados en un gráfico personalizable. Con Copious Comments puedes elegir el tipo de post la longitud del título y estilos para el detalle del gráfico.
Descargar "iThemes DisplayBuddy Rotating images" GPL te permite crear grupos de imágenes con transiciones personalizables. Mostrar grupos de imágenes en áreas de widgets o añadir a contenidos de publicaciones o páginas con shortcodes.